Why focus on prevention?
It has been estimated that for every prevention dollar spent, approximately ten dollars is saved in treatment-related costs. Preventing underage alcohol and drug use improves every aspect of our community.
What prevention efforts exist in Harney County?
Symmetry Care employs the County Prevention Coordinator. Programs, education, media messages, youth involvement, and strategic planning are all possible through coordinated efforts with community partners including: The Drug Free Community (DFC) Grant, our medical community, Harney Partners for Kids and Families, the School Districts, Harney County Juvenile Department, Law Enforcement, DHS, the Health Department and multiple community volunteers. Agencies within our community are committed to reducing youth alcohol and drug use in Harney County. Some examples of upcoming prevention activities are: Red Ribbon Week and Bonfire; implementing evidence-based alcohol and drug curriculum in all the schools, high school and middle school newsletters; high school and middle school youth prevention group;, and reassessment of county statistics to better plan for the future.